Desert Dragon Learning Community provides opportunities for self-directed, project-based learning, and group activities.

Each quarter, students choose at least one individual project based on their own interests. Students will present their work to families and the community at the end of each quarter. Students also work independently on ELA and Math curriculum,

We also bring in community members to provide engaging, interactive learning opportunities for students based on student interests.


MATH: Amplify Desmos

ELA: Amplify ELA

SCIENCE: Biweekly visits from Tucson Fun Science

SOCIAL STUDIES: Monthly Geography Project (we pick a country and learn as much about it as we can)

As a KaiPod Partner School and member of the National Microschooling Center, we also have access to a menu of curriculum should your student want to work with something else (i.e. Rosetta Stone, Lexia, Zearn).

Person stirring dough in white bowls on a table with measuring cups and tools in a basket.

Bread making with Tucson Fun Science